“Case Study on How WordPress Won the Crown”

Case Study on How WordPress Won The Crown from WPTavern. I think the good (and long) read here is the comment thread, rather than the case study. (Links not endorsements?) In response to another comment, I pointed out a number of high quality plugins that bring a lot of power to WordPress, including document management and editing workflow tools.

New Plugin: Filtered HTML for Editors

I just released a new plugin, Filtered HTML for Editors.

This is in response to a published report suggesting there is a vulnerability in WordPress 3.0.4. The report is invalid, but I’m offering this plugin for sites that do not trust users given the Editor role.

For more information, please read my blog post on the WordPress Development Updates blog, and read the plugin’s description and FAQ.

Simple Footnotes 0.3

I’ve released a small update to my Simple Footnotes plugin.

If you paginate your posts, you can now move your footnotes below your page links. Look under Settings > Reading for a simple toggle. Regardless of the setting, footnotes will still appear as normal for posts that are unpaginated.

This feature was requested by Chip Bennett, and he’s been using this update on his site for a few days. Rave reviews! 🙂

Feature requests welcome! I’d like to allow you to customize the markup a bit, if that is desired. Also, I have some code running on this blog that allows logged-in users to utilize footnotes in their comments, which I’m willing to integrate into the plugin as well.

The plugin is available in the WordPress Plugin Directory. Here’s the source. The new version is 0.3. I’ll be writing more about this plugin in the future, so you should probably bookmark the tag or subscribe to its RSS feed.

New Plugin: Log Deprecated Notices

A few weeks ago I was testing some plugins and realized it was about time I write an update to Stephen Rider’s Log Deprecated Calls plugin. I don’t like reinventing the wheel, but there were a few reasons I wanted to start anew.

I spent quite a bit of time early in the WordPress 3.0 development cycle improving our deprecated notices. We added reporting of deprecated arguments and I tediously went back through the SVN history to find the version numbers for every deprecated function, both when the function was introduced and when it was deprecated. We also formally deprecated a number of functions, such as the really old widget API — e.g. use wp_register_sidebar_widget(), not register_sidebar_widget() — and the old escaping aliases — e.g. use esc_attr() instead of attribute_escape().

So, I wanted to make sure there was a plugin to fully leverage all of this. Stephen indicated he wanted to update his plugin to handle arguments (originally released for WordPress 2.6), but that he was also working on integrating it into his own plugin framework. I wanted to scrap the extra table and leverage a custom post type for both the storage and the UI, and see how far that would get me.

The results were interesting. I’ve made some pretty interesting customizations to allow me to leverage the custom post type UI, and the plugin is scattered with notes on possible enhancements for WordPress 3.1 that can help a lot of plugin developers, which I’ll revisit when we start development in September. In hindsight I think leveraging the UI was a wildly successful experiment, even with the hacks I employed to make it work to my liking, because I didn’t have to worry about any overhead.

Feedback and bug reports are encouraged. The plugin is available in the WordPress Plugin Directory. Here’s the source. The current version is 0.1-RC1.


Continue reading New Plugin: Log Deprecated Notices

New Plugin: Simple Footnotes

Update: I have since updated this plugin. Want to learn more? Check out more recent posts.

When writing “On PHP”, I realized I needed footnotes. A search of the plugins directory revealed a number of plugins, but most were either old, overly complicated, or needed some work. I needed something dead simple.

Twenty minutes later, I had a quick plugin serving my need. Jeff Waugh asked me about it, and so here it is.

A whopping forty lines of code, it leverages the ref shortcode and ↩ as the return arrow. Style it yourself — I have some code in my child theme of Twenty Ten. 1 I can think of a few things I could add to it, like being able to optionally number footnotes yourself (would be helpful if you added one later) or customizing little things like display options. But for now, it’s simple, and it works.

Feedback encouraged of course. The plugin is available in the WordPress Plugin Directory. Here’s the source. The current version is 0.2.


  1. Here’s what I use:

    #content .simple-footnotes { font-size: 13px; line-height: 17px; margin-top: 20px; color: #777 }
    #content .simple-footnotes p.notes { margin-bottom: 0 }
    #content .simple-footnotes ol { margin-top: 0; }
    #content .simple-footnotes li { padding-top: 10px }
    .entry-content sup, .entry-content sub { font-size: 11px }
    sup { bottom: .75ex }

    (Yes, other shortcodes work inside these footnotes!)