The end of my childhood

According to the BBC, the cut-off point for adulthood could be 25. For me, that’s today.

But in another way, this last week was the end of my childhood.* I grew up watching the New York Yankees during their 1990s dynasty. I don’t remember the Yankees without Derek Jeter, or Andy Pettitte, or Mariano Rivera. One of my most vivid childhood memories was my first Yankees game at the age of eight. I watched Mariano Rivera pitch two scoreless innings in the game that started the dynasty. It’s hard to not love a guy with such composure, consistency, concentration, and class. Anyone with a heart is going to be emotional watching Rivera’s final outing last week. Well, I’m pretty sure I bawled my eyes out. He had one hell of a career, and with that, I think my childhood is over.

Also: Rivera takes the mound for the last time (I lost it the moment I heard the late Bob Sheppard’s voice calmly introducing him), Pettitte completes his last game, and Rivera at the All-Star Game.

* My wife points out that getting married this year also meant the end of my childhood. But she was also the one who sent me the BBC story to troll me, so there’s that.

My first WordPress birthday

Seriously, does it get cooler than this?

Tweet from @wordpress: Happy Birthday, @nacin! Thank you for all you do for @wordpress and the community.

Normally I enjoy the dozens of Facebook wall posts I get on this date every year, many from friends I don’t hear from too often. But there’s something really special about the dozens of mostly random tweets and retweets 1 wishing me a happy birthday and thanking me for my hard work. It makes me feel proud of the work we do and the impact we have doing it.

I only got involved in the WordPress community late last year. A year ago, I could never have imagined where I am now. I love what I do as a core developer. It’s crazy. And it looks like WordPress loves me back, too. Thanks Jane for the tweet, and so many of you in the community for the birthday wishes! 🙂

If you want to pitch a little my way in support my contributions to WordPress, I’ve added a donate page that includes a link to a newly minted but woefully incomplete Amazon wish list.

Jane only really thought about doing this recently, but there were two other birthdays in the last two weeks I would be remiss not to mention: good friends and fellow WordPress contributors Daryl Koopersmith and Dion Hulse. I’m now 22, Daryl is 21, Dion is 23, so we’ve got quite a bit ahead of us and I don’t think we’ll be going anywhere anytime soon.


  1. And the new followers courtesy of the @wordpress account’s 77,000 followers! 🙂