My first WordPress birthday

Seriously, does it get cooler than this?

Tweet from @wordpress: Happy Birthday, @nacin! Thank you for all you do for @wordpress and the community.

Normally I enjoy the dozens of Facebook wall posts I get on this date every year, many from friends I don’t hear from too often. But there’s something really special about the dozens of mostly random tweets and retweets 1 wishing me a happy birthday and thanking me for my hard work. It makes me feel proud of the work we do and the impact we have doing it.

I only got involved in the WordPress community late last year. A year ago, I could never have imagined where I am now. I love what I do as a core developer. It’s crazy. And it looks like WordPress loves me back, too. Thanks Jane for the tweet, and so many of you in the community for the birthday wishes! 🙂

If you want to pitch a little my way in support my contributions to WordPress, I’ve added a donate page that includes a link to a newly minted but woefully incomplete Amazon wish list.

Jane only really thought about doing this recently, but there were two other birthdays in the last two weeks I would be remiss not to mention: good friends and fellow WordPress contributors Daryl Koopersmith and Dion Hulse. I’m now 22, Daryl is 21, Dion is 23, so we’ve got quite a bit ahead of us and I don’t think we’ll be going anywhere anytime soon.


  1. And the new followers courtesy of the @wordpress account’s 77,000 followers! 🙂

Published by

Andrew Nacin

Lead developer of WordPress, living in Washington, D.C. Follow me on Twitter.

3 thoughts on “My first WordPress birthday”

  1. Happy Birthday mate, so happy I’ve gotten to know you over the last 9 months or so – as you know, you’re the one who got me involved with WordPress core, so I can’t thank you enough!

    Keep on doin’ your thing 😎

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