I’m attending WordCamp San Francisco 2010

I’ll be in San Francisco this weekend at WordCamp SF. It’s officially a one-day conference, but I’ll be there for meetings and work sessions into the next week:
WordCamp San Francisco 2010
Saturday, May 1: WordCamp
Sunday, May 2: Developer Conference
Monday, May 3 and Tuesday, May 4: Code Sprint!

The full schedule is on the WordCamp website. Here’s what it says about the code sprint, which I imagine may be one of the highlights of the trip:

A number of WordPress core developers will be working at Pier 38, the Automattic Lounge, from 9am onward to work on patching as many bugs as possible for the 3.0 release.

I’ll have a chance to meet with many people I’ve gotten to know well over the last few months. One goal will be to meet with my Google Summer of Code mentors, Andy Skelton and Beau Lebens, and hammer out the scope of the project. Another will be to solve this nasty bug on the plane ride on Friday.

My new Macbook Pro arrived Monday (13″, 2.53 GHz, 4 GB RAM, 250 GB HD), so I’ve been getting my development environment set up and ready to go.

I’ll be probably way too active on Twitter this weekend. Oh, also, I’ll be on the genius bar at one point Saturday. If you’re going to WCSF, find me and say hello!